import { SteeringBehavior } from '../SteeringBehavior.js';
import { Vector3 } from '../../math/Vector3.js';

const toAgent = new Vector3();

* This steering produces a force that steers a vehicle away from those in its neighborhood region.
* @author {@link|Mugen87}
* @augments SteeringBehavior
class SeparationBehavior extends SteeringBehavior {

	* Constructs a new separation behavior.
	constructor() {



	* Calculates the steering force for a single simulation step.
	* @param {Vehicle} vehicle - The game entity the force is produced for.
	* @param {Vector3} force - The force/result vector.
	* @param {Number} delta - The time delta.
	* @return {Vector3} The force/result vector.
	calculate( vehicle, force /*, delta */ ) {

		const neighbors = vehicle.neighbors;

		for ( let i = 0, l = neighbors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const neighbor = neighbors[ i ];

			toAgent.subVectors( vehicle.position, neighbor.position );

			let length = toAgent.length();

			// handle zero length if both vehicles have the same position

			if ( length === 0 ) length = 0.0001;

			// scale the force inversely proportional to the agents distance from its neighbor

			toAgent.normalize().divideScalar( length );

			force.add( toAgent );


		return force;



export { SeparationBehavior };