
Base class for fuzzy sets. This type of sets are defined by a membership function which can be any arbitrary shape but are typically triangular or trapezoidal. They define a gradual transition from regions completely outside the set to regions completely within the set, thereby enabling a value to have partial membership to a set.

This class is derived from FuzzyTerm so it can be directly used in fuzzy rules. According to the composite design pattern, a fuzzy set can be considered as an atomic fuzzy term.

new FuzzySet(representativeValue)

Constructs a new fuzzy set with the given values.

Name Type Default Description
representativeValue Number 0

The maximum of the set's membership function.




degreeOfMembership :Number

Represents the degree of membership to this fuzzy set.

Default Value:
  • 0

left :Number

Represents the left border of this fuzzy set.

Default Value:
  • 0

representativeValue :Number

The maximum of the set's membership function. For instance, if the set is triangular then this will be the peak point of the triangular. If the set has a plateau then this value will be the mid point of the plateau. Used to avoid runtime calculations.

Default Value:
  • 0

Represents the right border of this fuzzy set.

Default Value:
  • 0

readonly uuid :String

Unique ID, primarily used in context of serialization/deserialization.


clearDegreeOfMembership() → {FuzzySet}

Clears the degree of membership value.

FuzzySet -

A reference to this fuzzy set.


computeDegreeOfMembership(value) → {Number}

Computes the degree of membership for the given value. Notice that this method does not set FuzzySet#degreeOfMembership since other classes use it in order to calculate intermediate degree of membership values. This method be implemented by all concrete fuzzy set classes.

Name Type Description
value Number

The value used to calculate the degree of membership.

Number -

The degree of membership.

fromJSON(json) → {FuzzySet}

Restores this instance from the given JSON object.

Name Type Description
json Object

The JSON object.

FuzzySet -

A reference to this fuzzy set.

getDegreeOfMembership() → {Number}

Returns the degree of membership.

Number -

Degree of membership.


toJSON() → {Object}

Transforms this instance into a JSON object.

Object -

The JSON object.


updateDegreeOfMembership() → {FuzzySet}

Updates the degree of membership by the given value. This method is used when the set is part of a fuzzy rule's consequent.

FuzzySet -

A reference to this fuzzy set.
