
A single node in a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH).

new BVHNode()

Constructs a BVH node.



boundingVolume :AABB

The bounding volume of this BVH node.

centroids :Array.<Number>

The centroids of the node's triangles. Only filled for leaf nodes.

children :Array.<BVHNode>

The child BVH nodes.

parent :BVHNode

The parent BVH node.

Default Value:
  • null

primitives :Array.<Number>

The primitives (triangles) of this BVH node. Only filled for leaf nodes.


build(branchingFactor, primitivesPerNode, maxDepth, currentDepth) → {BVHNode}

Builds this BVH node. That means the respective bounding volume is computed and the node's primitives are distributed under new child nodes. This only happens if the maximum hierarchical depth is not yet reached and the node does contain enough primitives required for a split.

Name Type Description
branchingFactor Number

The branching factor.

primitivesPerNode Number

The minimum amount of primitives per BVH node.

maxDepth Number

The maximum hierarchical depth.

currentDepth Number

The current hierarchical depth.

BVHNode -

A reference to this BVH node.

computeBoundingVolume() → {BVHNode}

Computes the AABB for this BVH node.

BVHNode -

A reference to this BVH node.

computeSplitAxis() → {Vector3}

Computes the split axis. Right now, only the cardinal axes are potential split axes.

Vector3 -

The split axis.

getDepth() → {Number}

Returns the depth of this BVH node in its hierarchy.

Number -

The hierarchical depth of this BVH node.

intersectRay(ray, result) → {Vector3}

Performs a ray/BVH node intersection test and stores the closest intersection point to the given 3D vector. If no intersection is detected, null is returned.

Name Type Description
ray Ray

The ray.

result Vector3

The result vector.

Vector3 -

The result vector.

intersectsRay(ray) → {boolean}

Performs a ray/BVH node intersection test. Returns either true or false if there is a intersection or not.

Name Type Description
ray Ray

The ray.

boolean -

Whether there is an intersection or not.

leaf() → {Boolean}

Returns true if this BVH node is a leaf node.

Boolean -

Whether this BVH node is a leaf node or not.

root() → {Boolean}

Returns true if this BVH node is a root node.

Boolean -

Whether this BVH node is a root node or not.

split(branchingFactor) → {BVHNode}

Splits the node and distributes node's primitives over new child nodes.

Name Type Description
branchingFactor Number

The branching factor.

BVHNode -

A reference to this BVH node.

traverse(callback) → {BVHNode}

Executes the given callback for this BVH node and its ancestors.

Name Type Description
callback function

The callback to execute.

BVHNode -

A reference to this BVH node.