import { SteeringBehavior } from '../SteeringBehavior.js';
import { Path } from '../Path.js';
import { SeekBehavior } from './SeekBehavior.js';
import { ArriveBehavior } from './ArriveBehavior.js';

* This steering behavior produces a force that moves a vehicle along a series of waypoints forming a path.
* @author {@link|Mugen87}
* @augments SteeringBehavior
class FollowPathBehavior extends SteeringBehavior {

	* Constructs a new follow path behavior.
	* @param {Path} path - The path to follow.
	* @param {Number} nextWaypointDistance - The distance the agent seeks for the next waypoint.
	constructor( path = new Path(), nextWaypointDistance = 1 ) {


		* The path to follow.
		* @type {Path}
		this.path = path;

		* The distance the agent seeks for the next waypoint.
		* @type {Number}
		* @default 1
		this.nextWaypointDistance = nextWaypointDistance;

		// internal behaviors

		this._arrive = new ArriveBehavior();
		this._seek = new SeekBehavior();


	* Calculates the steering force for a single simulation step.
	* @param {Vehicle} vehicle - The game entity the force is produced for.
	* @param {Vector3} force - The force/result vector.
	* @param {Number} delta - The time delta.
	* @return {Vector3} The force/result vector.
	calculate( vehicle, force /*, delta */ ) {

		const path = this.path;

		// calculate distance in square space from current waypoint to vehicle

		const distanceSq = path.current().squaredDistanceTo( vehicle.position );

		// move to next waypoint if close enough to current target

		if ( distanceSq < ( this.nextWaypointDistance * this.nextWaypointDistance ) ) {



		const target = path.current();

		if ( path.finished() === true ) { = target;
			this._arrive.calculate( vehicle, force );

		} else { = target;
			this._seek.calculate( vehicle, force );


		return force;


	* Transforms this instance into a JSON object.
	* @return {Object} The JSON object.
	toJSON() {

		const json = super.toJSON();

		json.path = this.path.toJSON();
		json.nextWaypointDistance = this.nextWaypointDistance;

		return json;


	* Restores this instance from the given JSON object.
	* @param {Object} json - The JSON object.
	* @return {FollowPathBehavior} A reference to this behavior.
	fromJSON( json ) {

		super.fromJSON( json );

		this.path.fromJSON( json.path );
		this.nextWaypointDistance = json.nextWaypointDistance;

		return this;



export { FollowPathBehavior };