import { Goal } from './Goal.js';
import { CompositeGoal } from './CompositeGoal.js';
import { Logger } from '../core/Logger.js';

* Class for representing the brain of a game entity.
* @author {@link|Mugen87}
* @augments CompositeGoal
class Think extends CompositeGoal {

	* Constructs a new *Think* object.
	* @param {GameEntity} owner - The owner of this instance.
	constructor( owner = null ) {

		super( owner );

		* A list of goal evaluators.
		* @type {Array<GoalEvaluator>}
		this.evaluators = new Array();


		this._typesMap = new Map();


	* Executed when this goal is activated.
	activate() {



	* Executed in each simulation step.
	execute() {


		const subgoalStatus = this.executeSubgoals();

		if ( subgoalStatus === Goal.STATUS.COMPLETED || subgoalStatus === Goal.STATUS.FAILED ) {

			this.status = Goal.STATUS.INACTIVE;



	* Executed when this goal is satisfied.
	terminate() {



	* Adds the given goal evaluator to this instance.
	* @param {GoalEvaluator} evaluator - The goal evaluator to add.
	* @return {Think} A reference to this instance.
	addEvaluator( evaluator ) {

		this.evaluators.push( evaluator );

		return this;


	* Removes the given goal evaluator from this instance.
	* @param {GoalEvaluator} evaluator - The goal evaluator to remove.
	* @return {Think} A reference to this instance.
	removeEvaluator( evaluator ) {

		const index = this.evaluators.indexOf( evaluator );
		this.evaluators.splice( index, 1 );

		return this;


	* This method represents the top level decision process of an agent.
	* It iterates through each goal evaluator and selects the one that
	* has the highest score as the current goal.
	* @return {Think} A reference to this instance.
	arbitrate() {

		const evaluators = this.evaluators;

		let bestDesirability = - 1;
		let bestEvaluator = null;

		// try to find the best top-level goal/strategy for the entity

		for ( let i = 0, l = evaluators.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const evaluator = evaluators[ i ];

			let desirability = evaluator.calculateDesirability( this.owner );
			desirability *= evaluator.characterBias;

			if ( desirability >= bestDesirability ) {

				bestDesirability = desirability;
				bestEvaluator = evaluator;



		// use the evaluator to set the respective goal

		if ( bestEvaluator !== null ) {

			bestEvaluator.setGoal( this.owner );

		} else {

			Logger.error( 'YUKA.Think: Unable to determine goal evaluator for game entity:', this.owner );


		return this;


	* Transforms this instance into a JSON object.
	* @return {Object} The JSON object.
	toJSON() {

		const json = super.toJSON();

		json.evaluators = new Array();

		for ( let i = 0, l = this.evaluators.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const evaluator = this.evaluators[ i ];
			json.evaluators.push( evaluator.toJSON() );


		return json;


	* Restores this instance from the given JSON object.
	* @param {Object} json - The JSON object.
	* @return {Think} A reference to this instance.
	fromJSON( json ) {

		super.fromJSON( json );

		const typesMap = this._typesMap;

		this.evaluators.length = 0;

		// evaluators

		for ( let i = 0, l = json.evaluators.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const evaluatorJSON = json.evaluators[ i ];
			const type = evaluatorJSON.type;

			const ctor = typesMap.get( type );

			if ( ctor !== undefined ) {

				const evaluator = new ctor().fromJSON( evaluatorJSON );
				this.evaluators.push( evaluator );

			} else {

				Logger.warn( 'YUKA.Think: Unsupported goal evaluator type:', type );



		// goals

		function parseGoal( goalJSON ) {

			const type = goalJSON.type;

			const ctor = typesMap.get( type );

			if ( ctor !== undefined ) {

				const goal = new ctor().fromJSON( goalJSON );

				const subgoalsJSON = goalJSON.subgoals;

				if ( subgoalsJSON !== undefined ) {

					// composite goal

					for ( let i = 0, l = subgoalsJSON.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

						const subgoal = parseGoal( subgoalsJSON[ i ] );

						if ( subgoal ) goal.subgoals.push( subgoal );



				return goal;

			} else {

				Logger.warn( 'YUKA.Think: Unsupported goal evaluator type:', type );



		for ( let i = 0, l = json.subgoals.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const subgoal = parseGoal( json.subgoals[ i ] );

			if ( subgoal ) this.subgoals.push( subgoal );


		return this;


	* Registers a custom type for deserialization. When calling {@link Think#fromJSON}
	* this instance is able to pick the correct constructor in order to create custom
	* goals or goal evaluators.
	* @param {String} type - The name of the goal or goal evaluator.
	* @param {Function} constructor - The constructor function.
	* @return {Think} A reference to this instance.
	registerType( type, constructor ) {

		this._typesMap.set( type, constructor );

		return this;



export { Think };