* Base class for representing a goal evaluator in context of Goal-driven agent design.
* @author {@link https://github.com/Mugen87|Mugen87}
class GoalEvaluator {

	* Constructs a new goal evaluator.
	* @param {Number} characterBias - Can be used to adjust the preferences of agents.
	constructor( characterBias = 1 ) {

		* Can be used to adjust the preferences of agents. When the desirability score
		* for a goal has been evaluated, it is multiplied by this value.
		* @type {Number}
		* @default 1
		this.characterBias = characterBias;


	* Calculates the desirability. It's a score between 0 and 1 representing the desirability
	* of a goal. This goal is considered as a top level strategy of the agent like *Explore* or
	* *AttackTarget*. Must be implemented by all concrete goal evaluators.
	* @param {GameEntity} owner - The owner of this goal evaluator.
	* @return {Number} The desirability.
	calculateDesirability( /* owner */ ) {

		return 0;


	* Executed if this goal evaluator produces the highest desirability. Must be implemented
	* by all concrete goal evaluators.
	* @param {GameEntity} owner - The owner of this goal evaluator.
	setGoal( /* owner */ ) {}

	* Transforms this instance into a JSON object.
	* @return {Object} The JSON object.
	toJSON() {

		return {
			type: this.constructor.name,
			characterBias: this.characterBias


	* Restores this instance from the given JSON object.
	* @param {Object} json - The JSON object.
	* @return {GoalEvaluator} A reference to this goal evaluator.
	fromJSON( json ) {

		this.characterBias = json.characterBias;

		return this;



export { GoalEvaluator };