* Base class for representing a goal in context of Goal-driven agent design.
* @author {@link https://github.com/Mugen87|Mugen87}
class Goal {

	* Constructs a new goal.
	* @param {GameEntity} owner - The owner of this goal.
	constructor( owner = null ) {

		* The owner of this goal.
		* @type {?GameEntity}
		* @default null
		this.owner = owner;

		* The status of this goal.
		* @type {Status}
		* @default INACTIVE
		this.status = Goal.STATUS.INACTIVE;


	* Executed when this goal is activated.
	activate() {}

	* Executed in each simulation step.
	execute() {}

	* Executed when this goal is satisfied.
	terminate() {}

	* Goals can handle messages. Many don't though, so this defines a default behavior
	* @param {Telegram} telegram - The telegram with the message data.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the message was processed or not.
	handleMessage( /* telegram */ ) {

		return false;


	* Returns true if the status of this goal is *ACTIVE*.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the goal is active or not.
	active() {

		return this.status === Goal.STATUS.ACTIVE;


	* Returns true if the status of this goal is *INACTIVE*.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the goal is inactive or not.
	inactive() {

		return this.status === Goal.STATUS.INACTIVE;


	* Returns true if the status of this goal is *COMPLETED*.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the goal is completed or not.
	completed() {

		return this.status === Goal.STATUS.COMPLETED;


	* Returns true if the status of this goal is *FAILED*.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the goal is failed or not.
	failed() {

		return this.status === Goal.STATUS.FAILED;


	* Ensures the goal is replanned if it has failed.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	replanIfFailed() {

		if ( this.failed() === true ) {

			this.status = Goal.STATUS.INACTIVE;


		return this;


	* Ensures the goal is activated if it is inactive.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	activateIfInactive() {

		if ( this.inactive() === true ) {

			this.status = Goal.STATUS.ACTIVE;



		return this;


	* Transforms this instance into a JSON object.
	* @return {Object} The JSON object.
	toJSON() {

		return {
			type: this.constructor.name,
			owner: this.owner.uuid,
			status: this.status


	* Restores this instance from the given JSON object.
	* @param {Object} json - The JSON object.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	fromJSON( json ) {

		this.owner = json.owner; // uuid
		this.status = json.status;

		return this;


	* Restores UUIDs with references to GameEntity objects.
	* @param {Map<String,GameEntity>} entities - Maps game entities to UUIDs.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	resolveReferences( entities ) {

		this.owner = entities.get( this.owner ) || null;

		return this;



Goal.STATUS = Object.freeze( {
	ACTIVE: 'active', // the goal has been activated and will be processed each update step
	INACTIVE: 'inactive', // the goal is waiting to be activated
	COMPLETED: 'completed', // the goal has completed and will be removed on the next update
	FAILED: 'failed' // the goal has failed and will either replan or be removed on the next update
} );

export { Goal };