import { Goal } from './Goal.js';

* Class representing a composite goal. Essentially it's a goal which consists of subgoals.
* @author {@link|Mugen87}
* @augments Goal
class CompositeGoal extends Goal {

	* Constructs a new composite goal.
	* @param {GameEntity} owner - The owner of this composite goal.
	constructor( owner = null ) {

		super( owner );

		* A list of subgoals.
		* @type {Array<Goal>}
		this.subgoals = new Array();


	* Adds a goal as a subgoal to this instance.
	* @param {Goal} goal - The subgoal to add.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	addSubgoal( goal ) {

		this.subgoals.unshift( goal );

		return this;


	* Removes a subgoal from this instance.
	* @param {Goal} goal - The subgoal to remove.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	removeSubgoal( goal ) {

		const index = this.subgoals.indexOf( goal );
		this.subgoals.splice( index, 1 );

		return this;


	* Removes all subgoals and ensures {@link Goal#terminate} is called
	* for each subgoal.
	* @return {Goal} A reference to this goal.
	clearSubgoals() {

		const subgoals = this.subgoals;

		for ( let i = 0, l = subgoals.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const subgoal = subgoals[ i ];



		subgoals.length = 0;

		return this;


	* Returns the current subgoal. If no subgoals are defined, *null* is returned.
	* @return {Goal} The current subgoal.
	currentSubgoal() {

		const length = this.subgoals.length;

		if ( length > 0 ) {

			return this.subgoals[ length - 1 ];

		} else {

			return null;



	* Executes the current subgoal of this composite goal.
	* @return {Status} The status of this composite subgoal.
	executeSubgoals() {

		const subgoals = this.subgoals;

		// remove all completed and failed goals from the back of the subgoal list

		for ( let i = subgoals.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) {

			const subgoal = subgoals[ i ];

			if ( ( subgoal.completed() === true ) || ( subgoal.failed() === true ) ) {

				// if the current subgoal is a composite goal, terminate its subgoals too

				if ( subgoal instanceof CompositeGoal ) {



				// terminate the subgoal itself


			} else {




		// if any subgoals remain, process the one at the back of the list

		const subgoal = this.currentSubgoal();

		if ( subgoal !== null ) {



			// if subgoal is completed but more subgoals are in the list, return 'ACTIVE'
			// status in order to keep processing the list of subgoals

			if ( ( subgoal.completed() === true ) && ( subgoals.length > 1 ) ) {

				return Goal.STATUS.ACTIVE;

			} else {

				return subgoal.status;


		} else {

			return Goal.STATUS.COMPLETED;



	* Returns true if this composite goal has subgoals.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the composite goal has subgoals or not.
	hasSubgoals() {

		return this.subgoals.length > 0;


	* Returns true if the given message was processed by the current subgoal.
	* @return {Boolean} Whether the message was processed or not.
	handleMessage( telegram ) {

		const subgoal = this.currentSubgoal();

		if ( subgoal !== null ) {

			return subgoal.handleMessage( telegram );


		return false;


	* Transforms this instance into a JSON object.
	* @return {Object} The JSON object.
	toJSON() {

		const json = super.toJSON();

		json.subgoals = new Array();

		for ( let i = 0, l = this.subgoals.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const subgoal = this.subgoals[ i ];
			json.subgoals.push( subgoal.toJSON() );


		return json;


	* Restores UUIDs with references to GameEntity objects.
	* @param {Map<String,GameEntity>} entities - Maps game entities to UUIDs.
	* @return {CompositeGoal} A reference to this composite goal.
	resolveReferences( entities ) {

		super.resolveReferences( entities );

		for ( let i = 0, l = this.subgoals.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

			const subgoal = this.subgoals[ i ];
			subgoal.resolveReferences( entities );


		return this;



export { CompositeGoal };