
Autonomous Agent Design

State-driven Agent Design

The State-driven agent design enables a clean implementation of basic AI logic.

Goal-driven Agent Design

The Goal-driven agent design enables a clean implementation of more advanced AI logic.

Fuzzy Logic

Weapon Selection

The soldier's weapon selection is implemented via fuzzy inference.

Graphs and Navigation


Demonstrates basic graph search algorithms.


An implementation of the MinMax algorithm based on Yuka's graph class.

Navigation Mesh (Basic)

A simple showcase of a navigation mesh.

Navigation Mesh (Advanced)

An advanced showcase that shows the usage of a spatial index and tasks.

First-Person Controls

First-Person example with navigation mesh usage to restrict movement.


Bounding Volumes

Demonstrates different types of auto-generated bounding volumes.

Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH)

Enables faster intersection tests by introducing a hierarchy of bounding volumes for a single geometry.


Demonstrates how to orient a game entity towards a specific target.



Shows how the current game state can be saved and loaded.


Usage of triggers to dynamically generate actions in the game world.


Line of Sight

Demonstrates a basic line of sight test.

Memory System

Enables game entities to have a short-term memory so they react in a more natural way.

Steering Behaviors

Arrive Steering Behavior

This behavior steers the agent in such a way it decelerates onto the target position.

Flee Steering Behavior

Produces a force that steers an agent away from a target position.

Flocking Steering Behavior

A group steering behavior based on "Alignment", "Cohesion" and "Separation".

Follow Path Steering Behavior

Produces a force that moves a vehicle along a series of waypoints.

Interpose Steering Behavior

Produces a force that moves a vehicle to the midpoint of the imaginary line connecting two other agents.

Obstacle Avoidance Steering Behavior

Produces a force so a vehicle avoids obstacles lying in its path.

Offset Pursuit Steering Behavior

Produces a force that keeps a vehicle at a specified offset from a leader vehicle.

Pursuit Steering Behavior

Useful when an agent is required to intercept a moving agent.

Seek Steering Behavior

Produces a force that directs an agent toward a target position.

Wander Steering Behavior

Produces a force that will give the impression of a random walk through the agent’s environment.



A Blackjack implementation based on Monte Carlo prediction.

First-Person Shooter

Basic concepts of FPS like simulating bullets and collision detection.

Hide And Seek

A little game that experiments with steering and shooter mechanics.